Saturday, August 31, 2019

BE Reading

This involves creating the opportunity, space and time needed to think about practice and the appropriate action emerging from a reflective thinking process. We argue that being a ‘thoughtful agent' alls requires a deeper understanding of self and of the nature of personal engagement with ongoing reflective activity. This approach enables restrictions to question the ‘paradigms in which one is operating' (Peters and Vandenberg, 2011 : 63) and to be responsive to the need for change and quality improvement in relation to the specific needs of spellbinder, families and settings. Consequently, it requires an understanding of what we mean by being a reflective practitioner, including understanding the terminology we use and the interpretation we apply throughout this chapter.Table 4. 1 explains how we use the terminology that surrounds reflective practice in this chapter. Reflective practice has been identified by educators as beneficial for quality improvement (Arises and Ch on, 1978; Bout et al. , 1985; Brookfield, 1987; Broadband and McGill, 2007). It has been described as a generic term for ‘those intellectual and affective activities in which individuals engage to explore their experiences in order to lee ad to new understandings and appreciation' (Bout et al. , 1985: 19). In addition, reflection has the capacity to create ‘alternative and more productive ways of organizing the workplace' (Brookfield, 1987: 14).Together these two statements indicate that examining our actions and activities, both at a cognitive and an emotional level, can help restrictions to think and learn from experience in order to improve practice. Such reflective activity can also be creative, offering different, new and more effective ways of organizing things, whether applied when working with children or colleagues or to the way we organism the environment. Expressed simply, the core principles Of reflective practice involve reflective thinking and learning, whi ch are used to inform decisions and actions in practice, and by implication, improve quality. A number of ‘models' have evolved to support reflective thinking and practice. Many of these, such as Kola's (1984) model of experiential learning,Ghee and Ghee's (1998) ‘reflection-on-practice' and Brookfield (1995) ‘lenses', have the clear purpose of supporting critical thinking about experience and using what is learnt from this process 60 to inform future actions. In addition Ghee (2011: 28) draws on the work of Bandmaster (1991 ) and asks us to see reflection as a mainstreaming process that includes the satisfaction of four personal needs of purpose, value, efficacy and self-worth'. However, while many recognize the role of self- reflection and the influence of a range of personal ‘drivers', they do not serially encourage practitioners to understand, take ownership or utilities the unique nature Of their reflective activity.Ownership draws on a range Of personal factors, such as heritage, disposition, skills and understanding. A deeper level of engagement with reflective activity also requires understanding and appreciation of personal potential. Self-awareness can support reflective practice that is personally meaningful and therefore more likely TA produce the energy and drive necessary to make significant differences in terms of quality. This perspective includes recognition and acceptance of unique ways of being reflective and how this is supported by an individual's specific professional qualities. Such an approach values different ways of engaging with reflective activity and professes no single model or particular professional context.It also supports the development of reflexive practitioners who question ‘taken for granted beliefs' and develop an ‘understanding that knowledge is contestable' (Peters and Vanderbilt, 201 1: 63). Peters and Vanderbilt argue that such reflexivity supports a focus on ‘doing the right things rather than doing things right', a key principle hat we believe underpins the process of improving quality. An individual's reflective activity often takes place within dynamic and changeable socio- cultural context, which shapes the processes, responses and individuals involved. While the core values and principles of an individual al may remain constant and be articulated and understood as a basis for reflective activity, there are many ways of responding to issues according TA context.Developing as a reflective practitioner means being someone who is able to act in ways that make a qualitative difference and it requires an understanding of the current socio-cultural context and how this affects the nature Of professional responses. Brotherliness's (1986) ecological model may help us to explore this concept of socio-cultural influence on reflective identity and practice. According to Frontbencher an individual's development is affected by a series of environmental influence s: the ‘mortises' of family, school, or neighborhood; the ‘ecosystem' of a town, local policy, or economic influences; and the ‘Microsystems' of cultural influences, national policy, or pervading ideology.A practitioner's reflective reactive may likewise be influenced by colleagues, peers, managers and parents at a setting; who in turn may be influenced by local quality improvement policy, REFLECTIVE PRACTICE 15 THE KEY TO QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 61 risk awareness, and economic status; and overall this is influenced by central government policy and perhaps the perceived ‘culture' of the type of setting. Therefore practitioners may subtly shift in perceived identity and consequent reflective responses according to the social and environmental situation in which they find themselves. The ability to engage positively and constructively thin a changing professional landscape is supported by an individual's understanding of both that landscape and what is possible wit hin a particular situation in terms of their personal responses and qualities.Just as external socio-cultural spheres influence responses, the reflective activity by an individual may influence future qua a lit y improvement in others because the practitioner is an ‘active' agent within their professional context. Recognizing and valuing the impact of this agency may offer an opportunity for reflective practice to be a ‘means of empowerment, leading to change at the individual ND societal level' (Cable and Miller, 2008: 173). Developing a strong sense of one's own identity as a reflective practitioner can have a significant impact on both individual and collective confidence to engage in reflective activity as a means of improving quality.Reflective practice as a ‘way of being' Understanding reflective practice as a ;way of being' that is owned and experienced by a practitioner encourages the development of an individual as a ‘reflective professional practiti oner rather than as a technician' (Moss, 2008: xiii). This allows for the identification of different ways of engaging within a recess. A ‘technician' may go through' the motions of making changes in practice by following a prescribed model of reflective practice. However, it IS essential for a ‘reflective professional practitioner' to emotionally and intellectually ‘own' the process (Moss, 2008: xiii). Ownership means acknowledging that reflective practice can include the use of deeply embedded intuitive ‘reflex responses' and ‘ways Of knowing' (Atkinson and Clayton, 2000: 2).Atkinson and Clayton argue that we should value ‘other forms of reflection' that do not focus solely on reason and articulation; rather, unconscious insight draws on the whole of what has been known'; the enormity and complexity of which cannot always be articulated (2000: 5). Encouraging practitioners to use their full range of personal resources within reflective activity is essential. It is possible that compliance with a prescribed ‘model' limits reflective potential by indicating one preferred way of proceeding towards 62 reflection, or even towards quality improvement. We would suggest that without alternatives, such reliance on an external ‘expert' model may leave practitioners feeling De-skilled and disemboweled. Recognition of reflective practice as unique to individuals celebrates difference, recognizes personal development and is therefore inclusive.Enabling practitioners to utilities their full range of personal resources within reflective activity requires a critical view of what is involved. There is a view that intuitive forms of knowledge and ‘ways of knowing' have been unjustly ignored in our rational technical world (Atkinson and Clayton, 2000). For Atkinson and Clayton intuitive and ‘tacit' forms of knowledge in practice are of equal value and should be equally validated and respected. They even argue that the re are times when we can ‘think too much' in rationalizing processes when we should rely on a more instinctive way of being. This suggests that there is a form of professional reflection that is much more intuitive and instinctive and relies on the inner resources of a practitioner.We see this as important in the context of developing early years practice, which requires an understanding of many complex issues. Kernel and Sheep (2010) suggest that reflective intuition should be respected as a ‘way of knowing' that is particularly useful in dealing with complexity. Intuitive reflective practice respects and releases inner qualities and understandings, which inform actions taken to improve quality in practice. Many models of reflective practice represent what seems to be a relatively simple process. Investigation into the nature of a practitioner's ‘real life' participation in reflective practice reveals a complex array of professional qualities applied and synthesiz ed in different ways at different times according to the situation.Understanding the coming together of the individual al and context offers a way of understanding reflective activity from a deeply arsenal perspective. Through a process of making ‘human sense' (Donaldson, 1987) of one's own reflective activity, practitioners Gin evaluate the ways and extent to which they make changes for the better in all aspects of life. Personalized reflective activity that becomes a positive experience and rewards aspects of self is more likely to become a disposition or ‘habitat mind' (Arnold, 2003), owned by the individual. Practitioners who understand the nature of their own engagement in reflective practice are more likely to be . Emotionally as well as intellectually involved in the process.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Indian and European Nations

Nearly all European invaders as well as their descendants tried to submerge by suppressing their times of yore and by physical repression. The Indian nations relied on spoken means for the spread of history from one memorial cohort to the next, destined that the conclusion of their social constitution would obliterate their history, and thus complete the removal of their survival. Think of what ought to have come prior to the arrival of Europeans, which in several cases was even lost to Indians and the mass of distinctions with the tribes as they dealt with Europeans invaders.In the early 16th century, Indian nations were crisscrossed by the Spanish expeditions, turning over new traits, new influence, and the early amalgamation of priests and soldiers that commenced the progression of racial combination as well as Christianization a century prior to the English and French’s arrival in the New World. The colonization of Indian nations by the Europeans had overwhelming consequen ces for the indigenous people.Flanked by the diseases that were new to them brought by the assailants – Europe itself had simply gotten over an era of plagues as well as epidemics that killed no less than two thirds of its people, and the massacres and enslavement by the hands of the Spaniards. Spain explored and put down claim to the majority of the continent. Indian nations spoke their own languages; communication between Indians and Europeans suffered from differences, not just on a sole landfall, but throughout 500 years and even today.One understandable, yet concealed, source of resistance was the failure or repudiation of the Europeans, predominantly in the British Isles, to learn the Indian tongue. Indian words along with usages, in addition to many other languages such as Spanish, Greek, Italian, Hebrew, and German, came to supplement the English language and particularly the American tongue (Axtell, 2001, p30). The position of men and women among Indian grassroots sh owed a discrepancy more than among European nations.The distinctive characteristic of Indian civilization was the diversity of its population. In European standards, Indian nations at that time were astonishingly diverse regionally. This astounding diversity was in large part a creation of the technique that colonial Europe was initially settled. The reason possibly lay, throughout the 1400s and 1500s, with the regularity of relationships involving sexes that the Roman Catholic Church brought for centuries among the citizens of Central and Western Europe.The division of labor showed a discrepancy noticeably from a tribe, above among Europeans, however it was found that it lacked class system as well as social estates of Europe, there was greater parity and uniformity of role among lower and higher orders of women and men. The establishment of Indian nations is in fact the longest and exhaustive structure of any independent lands in the world.India, in particular, has a quasi-federal type of regime and a bicameral congress functioning under a Westminster-style parliamentary scheme (Iverson, 1992, p34). Since its sovereignty in 1947, these Indian nations maintained amiable and cordial connections with most countries. The history of Indian nations experienced colonial dependencies within the western hemisphere created by the European countries causing diversity in population, problems in geography and establishments of institutions.European nations increased colonies in Indian nations for several reasons, but mostly to create income. They made use of colonies to give raw materials for trade serving as markets for polished and refined products. These systems encouraged religious toleration, diplomat government, economic development as well as cultural diversity. However, the historical policies of Europeans that carry on bureaucracies in and out of Indian nations suppress tribal management and prop up reliance.Indian peoples will stay in a dependent affiliation an d the poverty will provide confirmation of the historic abandonment of the nations’ original people so long as regime (Salisbury, 2000, p18): holds back the economic and political growth of the Indian peoples, deprives them to quality education, disregard cultural needs of Indians, and raises bureaucratic barriers to the recognition of Indian tribes as humans and Indian peoples as part of history.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Human Rights or Technology? Essay

In today’s highly technological world everyone wants the latest and greatest gizmo on the market. Companies like Apple, want to make as much money as possible. With both Apple and society being held responsible for the outrageous working conditions in the factories in China workers can be treated more like people. In the article â€Å"In China, Human Costs are Built into an iPad,† Charles Duhigg and David Barboza argue that Apple and society are responsible for the repugnant conditions in China. In this article, the authors use facts, personal experience and a story about a worker from one of Apple’s factories, making the article more interesting and personal to the reader. Giving personal background brings you into the story. The article not only discusses the working conditions, but also discusses the living conditions. Without giving specific examples, Apple and society need to take a closer look and be held responsible for the horrendous conditions in China. In an essay written by Namit Arora, he discusses his own experience about his socioeconomic status. Arora writes that maybe it was not due to his hard work, but that he was in the right place at the right time. Arora describes different types of economic justice and makes the reader think about what we deserve. Do you deserve to have everything handed to you because you come from a rich family or should your hard and diligent work give you that reward; this is the very topic of Arora’s essay. The connection between the article written by Duhigg and Barboza with that of Arora is that of basic rights as a human being. If the rich are made richer in turn makes the poor become poorer. No matter what we do there really will never be a truly fair or just way to distribute an economy. There will always be those that fell their not being treated fairly even if everything is spoon fed to them, there just needs to be more balance to our current systems. Arora’s essay talks about those that are born with natural abilities from a moral standpoint is the same as those that have silver spoons in their mouths. Arora also discusses the â€Å"Difference Principle† which deals with this natural lottery. First off, Duhigg and Barboza discuss what we as consumers want. â€Å"Customers want amazing new electronics delivered every year.† (Duhigg and Barboza) This means the customers don’t care about how the products are made or who is hurt during the manufacturing process. During the course of the interviews Duhigg and Barboza conducted, a former worker told them that Apple did not care about anything except making more products and lowering costs to make those items. People who buy these products are blinded by the technology bug. If consumers did not want the latest and greatest phones or other electronic devices, there would not be as high of a need to for Apple to find the cheapest suppliers. Working conditions are not the only issues for the workers in these factories. The living conditions in China are horrific-there are more people living in their apartments then is safe by any standard. There were numerous people committing suicide due to the conditions at the factories. Apple is one of the most sought after brands. So if Apple were to make some changes it could make significant strides at reducing the working and living issues in China. If society were to inquire about how the workers are being treated this could also lead to changes being made in favor of the employees. Apple would be more likely to actually take action correct these substandard conditions, since no company wants their dirty laundry to be aired outside the company. Second, as discussed by Duhigg and Barboza, Apple is trying to make things better, but people would still be disgusted with what was seen. Duhigg and Barboza write that these devices are produced in substandard labor conditions, which is according to workers, worker advocates and reports published by companies themselves. There are underage workers and in many cases earn little to no money at all. In today’s society we need to take a round turn and prevent these children and other workers not get used and abused. Although Apple says it is trying to make things better there has been former workers say â€Å"finding new suppliers is time-consuming and costly,† Duhigg and Barboza report. Since Apple is an American based company the standards of the United States should be imposed on not just Apple, but any company that try to exploit these lower standards of other countries. As with society, we need to stop thinking of the things we want, but how and who is affected by making these products. If a company knows about issues but does nothing to correct those issues before someone were to get hurt they are just as responsible if not more responsible because something could have been done to prevent those injuries. â€Å"Apple had been alerted to hazardous conditions inside the Chengdu plan.† (Duhigg and Barboza) This shows that Apple is aware of conditions at their supplier but are taking no actions because as long as Apple gets its products the injuries of workers are none of their concern. Apple workers need to not only have better working conditions but also have better living conditions. This is not due to the fact that Apple has the money to pay their workers more; it’s actually due to the fact that the workers are human beings and should be compensated better. As well as having living conditions that are safer and healthier. The opportunity costs in China are significantly lower in China. The workers in China are willing to earn pennies on the dollar. From Apple’s standpoint it just makes sense to have their factory in China, instead of the United States. Apple has become one of the largest companies in their field due to these countries with lower standards. Even though Apple may make it seem like these conditions are not approved of, they would not be the electronic power house they are today. Arora discusses people may lack opportunity due to their lower or social economic status. In China the lack of opportunity does not play as much as it does in the U.S., since a company in China hires workers of almost any age. The downfall for those workers is getting treated as less than a human being as more like part of a machine. This is just morally wrong, for Apple to just turn a blind eye to these conditions. If Apple really cared these conditions could be better. The conditions may not be up to the standards of the U.S. but these people could actually be treated like a person. Due to the lower economy of China and the low opportunity cost, these two go hand-in-hand. Apple is taking all the risk and should be compensated for their risks. Even if we try to uphold higher standards there really is not much which can be done. No matter how much we try there will always be a country that has lower standards and cheaper workers; companies will just go to those places which makes profits the highest. To conclude, society as a whole needs to change our mind set from not caring how we get our products towards caring about how the products we buy are produced. As far as Apple goes, Apple needs to be held responsible not only for how the products are produced, but also how the workers making their products are being treated. Works Cited Arora, Namit â€Å"What Do We Deserve?† Emerging Contemporary Readings for Writers Composition Subjects Ed. Barclay Barrios. Bedford/St. Martins, 2010, 87-91. Book. Duhigg, Charles, and Barboza, David â€Å"In China, Human Costs are Built Into an iPad† The New York Times, 25 Jan. 2012. Editorial.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategies in the pharmaceutical industry Literature review

Strategies in the pharmaceutical industry - Literature review Example 2009, p.5). If the toxicity of the compound is proved to be high, then the development of the drug stops (Nishimura et al. 2009). The exclusion of a drug from the drug pipeline can take place anytime up to the last part of the drug development process; for example, even if a drug has been made available to the public the firm involved can decide to withdraw the drug from the market (Nishimura et al. 2009). A drug that is proved to have severe side effects that had not been identified in the pre-clinical or the clinical testing is an example of the above case. Firms operating in the pharmaceutical industry could secure the success of their New Product Development process by employing the ‘Critical Success Factors approach’ (Schuh et al. 2012, p.3). The specific approach promotes the idea that the chances for the success of a business strategy can be significantly increased if the strategy is designed based on a series of factors (Schuh et al. 2012). These factors, as presented in Figure 1a, can affect the design of the business strategy at lower or at higher level depending on the industry involved and the conditions in the business environment (Schuh et al. 2012). In any case, the use of these factors could help a pharmaceutical firm to secure the competitiveness of its new products, as possible (Schuh et al. 2012). On the other hand, Figueiredo and Loiola (2012) explain that a drug development process is characterized by the continuous exchange of ideas; during the process many of these ideas are rejected while news can also appear. However, because the issues that need to be taken into consideration during the particular process can be many it should be wise for the managers working on such projects to screen each stage of the process as carefully as possible (Figueiredo and Loiola 2012, p.21). The economic aspects of drugs, as reflected in their Net

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Children and Discipline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Children and Discipline - Essay Example Spanking spoils the child just like extreme pampering does. When a child does something bad that irritates the parent, the last thing that the parent should do is spanking the child because this way the child gets used to spanking and he grows out of the fear. In other words, he stops fearing spanking anymore. Whenever he would do something bad, he would think that all that his parent is going to do is spanking and nothing else, and since that is a routine so there is nothing to worry about. When he is tackled with love, he would stop himself from doing anything that would spark such anger in the parent that could result in hitting. Spanking also tends to stop the child from respecting the parent. A kind of rebellion and hatred starts nurturing inside the child’s heart which is very dangerous when he goes in his teenage. The child stops listening to the parents’ advice seriously because he does not respect them anymore. This makes him shout at his parents and do what they do not want him to do because he has been nurturing this rebellion inside him due to constant spanking. He stops communicating with his parents, which isolates him. This can hinder with the development of his healthy personality. Hence, parents should be told the side-effects of spanking â€Å"through education and legal reform† (â€Å"End Physical Punishment of Children†). Spanking creates inferiority complex in the child which is a frustration that grows inside him when he feels that he is not good enough to satisfy his parents. He feels that he is so bad that his parents always want to hit him. He takes out this frustration by hitting his younger siblings. Spanking teaches him that he should make use of power to make others do what he wants them to do, so he beats and bullies his peers at school. This makes him a violent person when he grows up. To conclude, spanking is a negative reinforcement given to the

Company law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Company law - Essay Example VTB Capital plc is an England integrated and regulated bank, although it is majority owned by the Russian government bank. VTB got into a contract loan accord with RAP; a Russian company, where VTB loaned $ 225 million to enable RAP purchase several Russian dairy entities from Nutritek. 1 RAP failed to pay on the loan, prompting VTB to bring a court action alleging that it had been fraudulently induced to come into a credit contract by Nutritek. VTB claimed that Nutritek and RAP presented themselves as if they were not under common control while indeed they were. Moreover, both companies represented the price of the dairy companies at a higher value that their real value. VTB claimed that these representations were false since the RAP and Nutritek were owned by a Russian businessman Malofeev. VTB claimed that Nutritek was liable as VTB relied on false information offered by Nutritek to enter into a contract with RAP. The two principle issues that have legal implications were: 1. Juri sdiction issue on whether VTB ought to be given authorization to supply actions out of the court’s authority. VTB held that the conditions in which deception involving foreign parties, but concerning to frauds apparently perpetrated in England ought to be heard by the English bench. 2. Piercing the corporate veil where VTB wanted to treat Malofeev as a contracting party to the loan agreement. This meant that Malofeev would be jointly and severally accountable with RAP. Appropriate forum One of the outstanding legal implications in VTB v. Nutritek & Others [2012] case is that; the Supreme Court has established a precedent that decisions on the forum will hardly be re-opened for appeal. This resulted from the strong words of the Supreme Court’s president lord Neuberger on claim parties having to set up mini trials on preliminary issues like jurisdiction. Lord Neuberger asserted that it is purely inconsistent for parties to bring high costs upon themselves, and use up cou ntless days in court on a jurisdiction hearing. His counsel to appellate courts to be vigilant in disheartening appellants from arguing the advantages of evaluative interlocutory verdict made by a judge reinforces this fact.2 Lord Neuberger held that such re-openings would be allowed when a judge has made a noteworthy principle error only. The court of appeal refused VTB authorization to serve its claim out of the jurisdiction, noting that the law governing the supposedly tort claims was the Russian law. The Supreme Court upheld jurisdiction decision by referring to the case of Spiliada Maritime Corpn v Cansulex Ltd  ([1987] AC 460)3. The Spiliada case set that the burden of proof is left on the claimant. Therefore, VTB had to establish that the English courts were indeed the right forum for the action trial. VTB claimed that there was a strong presumption in favor of English jurisdiction because the action of tort happened in England, referring to Berezovsky v Michaels (2000)   case and the Albaforth (1984).4 The Supreme Court ruled against VTB holding that VTB was using an unhelpful approach by referring to â€Å"presumption† as this was setting the bar too high. The court held that it has to consider all factors as set by the common rule standard on jurisdiction as set in the Spiliada  case. The ruling has the legal implication of giving clarity on the relationship involving the Albaforth and the Spiliada

Monday, August 26, 2019

Food and water supplies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Food and water supplies - Essay Example 20th century saw food economy going global and there came an immediate requirement for food security2. Cambodia's land resources are not enough for considerable food production. In addition, the country is facing persistently unfortunate landmines, wars, floods and the displaced people are yet to be rehabilitated. Royal Government of Cambodia is not highly enthusiastic about their resettlement or about the proper distribution. But it has doubled its efforts in increasing the food production to feed its rural masses, which is its urgent need. 1. Rice production has to be encouraged, assisted and increased on top priority. Legumes, vegetables and other profitable crops with nutritional and income value should be grown with as much assistance as possible from central and local governments. 3. Increasing fish resources in lakes, rivers, open-water bodies, and by pond culture, rice-fish culture in scientific and participatory management way maintaining ecological integrity is another method. Making more land available for food production, monitoring its use and increasing food production in every possible means, seems to be the best way of targeting this problem, mainly because, live stock and fisheries could bring an additional income; but never could take the place of major food substitute.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Asign 4 mj Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Asign 4 mj - Assignment Example ional strengths and weaknesses, which together constitute the validity and applicability of the content and approach of the author, to the Indian energy sector as well as the overall wellbeing of the world’s environmental demands. Thus, the critical analysis of the aforementioned heading entails an integration of the factual aspect of the anticipated energy implementations in India, as juxtaposed with the adverse consequences that emerges forthwith. In view of the duo consideration, one feel the weight of each concerning the subject matter, thus decision-making and value judgment becomes inevitable. At the epicenter of Indian steadfast push for renewable energy, lies the promise delivered by the Modi government to ensure development of a solar power production plant that can be in a position of supplying no less than energy equivalent to that consumable by one electric bulb across every home within the Indian Territory by the year 20191. This comes amidst statistical evidence projecting an explosion of Indian demand for energy doubling over the next two decades. Thus, the construction of the 4000-megawatt solar power plant in the Thar Desert is of crucial essence concerning the critical analysis of this article2. Nevertheless, the negative criticism of this landmark project comes handy in view of the adverse effects to flamingoes and other migratory birds that spend a better part of the winter at the wetland regions in close proximity. Additionally, the Indian eagerness to fund massive wind power generating plants is as well in line with the push for renewable energy. Despite the fact that in India for instance, there is over 40% wind power installation in the state of Tamil Nadu, it remains unreliable for use by the people due to the unpredictability of the plummet and occasional augment of the winds, which cause grid destabilization. The carbon cycle represents a number of processes that together form the specific zones in which carbon IV oxide is stored. Of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Compare the historical value of Turgenev's Fathers and Sons with Essay - 1

Compare the historical value of Turgenev's Fathers and Sons with Gogol's Inspector General - Essay Example His brother represents the gap that exists between the new and the old world, trying to adapt to the society while he tries to comprehend the old customs and attitudes. Arcady is another character that represents the new trends in society and beliefs systems in society. Barazov, is portrayed in the book as the young star, therefore, he represents the youth in Russian society with fresh ideas and new ways of doing things, but who are blinded by their naive hypocrisy. The author of this book vividly describes every aspect of Russian society by giving detailed information about the peasants, government officials, corruption, conventions, and cast withering. On the other hand, the government inspector written by Nikolai Gogol was first published in 1836. The author’s main of writing this book is centered on portraying human greed, deep corruption of societal powers and human stupidity in Russian society. This book looked at the lampooned corrupt government offices. In the Russian history, the â€Å"Fathers and sons† by Turgenev and â€Å"Inspector general† by Gogol, have outlined historical issues in Russian society in a similar way. The two books have also been contrasted through the characters, themes and the historical allusions. In the novel â€Å"Fathers and sons,† the author shows the difference between two generations of life. This book was written to counter the budding cultural schism in Russia from 1830s to 40s. During this time, there were cultural differences between the liberals and the growing nihilist uprising. In the other book, the â€Å"Inspector general,† the author has focused on mistaken identity committed in the Russian society. These two books have common similarities and differences, which have been asserted through the mode of translation, the author’s concerns, the cultural and historical differences especially in history and literature. Change is the main concern in the two books. In the ‘Fa thers and sons’, Turgenev addresses the interest in change with the aim of addressing intergenerational differences in the Russian society. Life’s hyperbole and the balance between the text and the contemporary issues in society is the author’s main concern. In addition, his work is highly topical as it universally appeals the elegance of love. The author also deals with love versus psychology, which has been acutely portrait by the author. While on the other hand, the government inspector hinges on a mistaken identity. Hlestakov is mistaken for being a highly ranking government inspector by the provincial town members. The government fears the visit of the government inspector because of their corruption cases that have torn the Russian society apart. Apart from the government official, the town’s governor is not at peace with the inspector’s visit. Hlestalkov gives the tales about his bribing ways as a high-ranking government official. He does th is by elaborating on the misconception that the town people held before (Harrower 2011). The government inspector majorly ridicules the way corruption has damaged Russian bureaucracy. In this Russian drama about life, corruption, and human deception are vividly explored. The governor addresses the audience by asking what they were laughing at when he talks about corruption. He refers to the citizens as laughing at themselves showing how government officia

Friday, August 23, 2019

Art as we know it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art as we know it - Essay Example These include the Early Christian Art, Romanesque Art, Islamic Art, Byzantine Art, Migration Period Art, Pre-Romanesque Art, Celtic Art and Gothic Art to name a few. With that there is a strong enough relational basis for the respective artistic styles and when looked at in an individual fashion, they all form up as the sub parts of the Medieval Art period. These could comprise of the Anglo-Saxon Art and Viking Art. On a different tangent, Medieval Art period includes a number of significant mediums, where the emphasis is more towards the fields of sculpture, mosaics and manuscripts to name a few. Also with that, the basis was strong in terms of the genres of art which involved the Crusade Art, also known as animal style. One should understand that Medieval Art period actually grew out of the Roman Empire and the legacy attached with it. The linkage is strong in terms of its basis with the Christian church for this matter. The history of the Medieval Art period thus makes count for the historical interplay which was present between the significant elements of classical, earliest Christian times as well as that from the pagan art, another school of artistic design. The different genres within the Medieval Art period entailed the classification by culture and region. In terms of the same, there was a long list of art within this Medieval Art period, a few of which are the Coptic Art, Old Russian Art, Serbian Art, Cypriot Art, Romanian Art, Bosnian Art and Kiev Rus Art to name a few. The Islamic Art includes the basis of the Abbasid Art, Hafsid Art, Mecca Art, Persian Art, Umayyad Art and others. Then there is a separate basis for the Jewish Art within the Medieval Art period. Moving towards Western Europe, one finds that the classification is pretty strong within the Medieval Art period where there is Lombard Art, Pictish Art, Roman Art, Anglo-Saxon Art, Flemish Art, Mosan Art, Spanish Art, Viking Art and many other artistic

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hamlet Questions Answered Essay Example for Free

Hamlet Questions Answered Essay Question 1: Laertes and Polonius provide several explanations of their reasons for Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet. Both their opinions appear to be unreasonable, which is evident through their oppressive and restrictive attitudes. Laertes believes Ophelia is beneath Hamlet on social level, therefore he voices that the prince’s, â€Å"choice must be circumscribed.† This is unreasonable as Laertes is diminishing Ophelia’s confidence by referring to the fact that Hamlet’s partner will be chosen for him, and Ophelia would not fit this role, or be considered for it. Laertes continues to refer to Hamlet in a negative matter, stating that his, â€Å"love,† is, â€Å"not permanent,† and, â€Å"the perfume and suppliance of a minute,† meaning it is brief, and temporary. Polonius also presents unreasonable arguments as to why Ophelia should stop seeing Hamlet. The hypocritical nature of Polonius is evident through his commands to Ophelia: â€Å"To thine own self be true,† which is later followed by, â€Å"you’ll tender me a fool.† It is clear that Polonius is only concerned with sculpting Ophelia to act a specific way to ensure that his own reputation is not tainted. Polonius states, â€Å"give every man thine ear, but few thy voice.† This also acts as a contrast to the previous statement, as Ophelia cannot be true to herself if she has to, â€Å"reserve,† her true self. Evidently, Polonius offers an unreasonable opinion to encourage the discontinuation of Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet. Question 3: Both soliloquies voiced by Hamlet contain similar ideas and concepts, which are crucial to understanding the nature of his character. The two soliloquies present Hamlet as an isolated figure, which is seen by the language such as, â€Å"and thy commandment all alone shall live,† and, â€Å"break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue.† These statements express the mental anguish Hamlet is experiencing in his, â€Å"distracted globe,† a metaphor for his scattered thoughts. The soliloquies also contain elements of hatred towards women. For Hamlet it particularly involves his mother, however he generalises his statement by voicing, â€Å"frailty, thy name is woman!† This is continued in his second soliloquy where Hamlet states, â€Å"O most pernicious woman!† Evidently Hamlet struggles to respect the role of women and the mannerisms of his mother, whom he refers to as a, â€Å"beast,† who married Claudius at a, â€Å"wicked,† speed. Question 6: Hamlet gives signs for potential madness in his first soliloquy, where he desires to commit suicide if it were not for the fact t hat â€Å"God† is, â€Å"’gainst self slaughter.† He refers to his hatred towards the world and it’s, â€Å"weary, stale, and unprofitable,† atmosphere. The negativity towards the nature of the world expressed by Hamlet provides a possible reason as to why he often isolates himself. Isolation is a dynamic that ultimately lead to madness, which is eventually what occurs with Hamlet. Furthermore, the audience obtains an indication of Hamlet’s potential for madness in the scene where he tells Horatio and Marcellus to, â€Å"swear,† their silence in relation to the ghost. Hamlet explains that he will put on an, â€Å"antic disposition,† which means he will, behave in a strange manner. The irony in this statement is that Hamlet does in fact go mad, and he announces this to Horatio and Marcellus as a means of giving himself permission to act, â€Å"out of joint.† Question 7: Claudius attempts to win over Denmark with his charming and manipulative behaviour, which is seen in the irony of his words: â€Å"Our dear brother’s death, the memory be green.† Claudius associates the death of his brother with new life and growth, so when the audience becomes aware of the, â€Å"unnatural,† and, â€Å"foul,† murder he committed, we are confronted with his wickedness. To establish his popularity Claudius repeatedly uses language that signifies national unity such as the, â€Å"jointress of this warlike state,† and â€Å"our heartsour whole kingdom.† This conscious work displayed by Claudius demonstrates his methodology in having Denmark view him as a compassionate and practical King. Question 8: There is a reference to the fact that Denmark is a Catholic country when the ghost states that he was, â€Å"cut off even in the blossoms of my sin/Unhousel’d, disappointed, unaneled;/no reckoning made† This provides evidence for Catholicism as the apparition was not able to confess his sins (died without the Last Rites). A second reference which expresses Denmark as a Catholic country is shown when Hamlet remarks, â€Å"O, that this too too solid flesh would melt/Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d/ His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter.† This excerpt indicates that Hamlet wished to commit suicide, but cannot as it is considered wrong in the eyes of God, therefore he would not be able to forgive himself in the afterlife. This is why Hamlet wishes he could, â€Å"melt,† which would save him from the guilt he would feel due to self-slaughter. Question 9: There are significant differences between the previous King Hamlet and King Claudius. The audience is given evidence that Old King Hamlet was a respectable and genuine leader through Prince Hamlet’s remark, â€Å"So excellent a king†¦so loving† It is clear the King Hamlet was honest and caring in all his actions; this contrasts with King Claudius’ character, who is scheming and power-hungry, so much so that he murdered his own brother, which he concealed due to his deceptive personality. King Hamlet tackled foreign policies openly and was so good a leader that he defeated Old Fortinbras, which had him take his land for the people of Denmark. King Claudius acts in a less honourable manner, where he leads Denmark on the basis of impressions, similar to politicians as seen in the modern age.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay Example for Free

Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions Essay By looking into their sacred texts and teachings on peace, we can gain a valuable insight into how these religions explain peace. The teaching of peace is central to Christianity. They use the sacred text of the bible, mostly the New Testament with emphasis on the Gospels as the source for teachings on peace. The New Testament states peace as a virtue and identifies it as a key element of God. Christians use Jesus’ example to illustrate the ideal model for peace in their lives. This model allows for adherents to understand the peace of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit and peace in relationships whereby Christians are expected to work in harmony with others in order to achieve peace As well as this the teaching on war and peace â€Å"love your neighbour as yourself. †(Matthew) and the teaching on peace and justice are both exemplified by Pope John XXIII’s notion that there can only be peace if there is justice. The Christian teaching on peace revolves around the covenant relationship between the adherent and God. This peace is given by Christ and is shown in the sacred texts of the New Testament â€Å"My peace I leave with you,† and is described as â€Å"one of the fruits with the spirit. †(Galatians). Jesus tells his followers that â€Å"in me you may have peace,† (John) suggesting that the concept of spiritual peace is embodied in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The importance of peace is clear in the Beatitudes were Jesus stated â€Å"blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God†. Christians believe that through baptism they have been called to follow Jesus’ as their model in life. By following his example, Christians acquire peace by obeying the commands of Jesus and therefore the principle teachings of Christianity â€Å"You must love your neighbour as you love yourself. † The bible states that Christians can achieve peace through the specific teaching of Jesus to forgive those who have wronged you. â€Å"If he wrongs you†¦you must forgive him. † (Luke). Forgiveness and compassion is at the heart of the Bibles message. Further to this, Christians can achieve peace through their practice of individual and communal prayer. The Christian biblical view on peace is one that demonstrates the idea that they should work for it. Through the beatitudes, Christians are encouraged to be the peacemakers in society. â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God. † Further to this, Christians believe in the sanctity of life through the covenant of the 10 commandments which state â€Å"Thou shall not kill. † Peace is work of justice and the effect of charity. In the case of conflict, Christians resort to the idea of violence being a last resort and refer to the Just War theory in order to determine whether conflict is applicable. The bible teaches adherents to promote peace on an international level, aiming to work for peace, justice and reconciliation. Islam like Christianity was a religion founded on the virtue of peace. Islam is referred to in the Qur’an as â€Å"the paths of peace† and it is taught that peace must always be actively sought out by Muslims. The Qur’an sees reconciliation as a basic stance and states that Allah abhors the disturbance of peace. Muslims too believe that there can only be peace if there is justice. In Islam, peace takes a variety of forms. It is seen as a quality of personal tranquillity and fulfilment bestowed by Allah to reward submission. This surrender of mental and physical devotion begins with the concept of Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah in all aspects of Muslim life. The Qur’an states that â€Å"In remembrance of God do hearts fins satisfaction. † This concept is embodied by the 5 pillars of Islam. Through the Salat, attention is drawn to Allah, marginalising distraction in order to devote more fully to the divine. Sawm and Zakat illustrate physical sacrifices for Islam which allows the adherent to appreciate Allah’s role as of life. The Hajj focuses on morality by allowing the adherent o come closer to Allah in their individual search of inner peace. Along with this, the study of the sacred texts of Islam, the Qur’an and Hadith equips adherents with necessary theological understanding for a meaningful life of submission which in turn brings peace. This study allows Muslims to understand peace being a reward for following the teachings of Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Peace be upon you because you have persevered. † Another concept of achieving peace is through collective worship. It encourages commitment in the struggle against the greater Jihad. Like Christianity, Islam encourages adherents to strive for peace. Both typify the complex relationship between religion and peace. The standard greeting to another person in Arabic is â€Å"As-Salamu-Alaykum (Peace be with you) † (Qur’an), which encourages Muslims to â€Å"Promote peace among men. † (Sura). There are various organisations in Islam that promote peace. E. g. The Islamic Conference which promotes world peace and safeguards the interest of the Muslim world. The understanding of peace throughout both Christianity and Islam has been influenced by their sacred texts. It is ultimately through the interpretation of these texts that adherents learn the values of peace. They all demonstrate that peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but is also a complex intertwined system of teachings and that there are various avenues to achieving the ideal state of peace.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Medicinal Uses of Marijuana

Medicinal Uses of Marijuana Marijuana is a second name of cannabis which is prepared from the cannabis plant for the use in the treatment as a medicine and a psychoactive drug. It is a powder of green, brown or gray color which is a mixture of leaves from the plant. Some people use this powder in their food and eat it. Marijuana is mostly consumed for the psychological and physiological effects it causes which consists the following behaviors: elevated mood or euphoria, reduction and an increase in hunger. History of Marijuana Modern uses of marijuana are for recreation and the treatment of diseases and by looking into the history it is been used since the 3rd millennium BC. The rates of users of marijuana were stable till 1990’s but they have risen meaningfully over the same period and according to governmental studies more than 30% of the teenagers are smoking marijuana. From the beginning of 20th century, marijuana was restricted to be preserved or sold for any purpose. The United States told that marijuana is the most illegal medicine, which is used in the world and about 4% of the adult world population is consuming this extremely illegal medicine and around 0.6% of the whole population consume marijuana daily which has many side effects which are discussed later on. Types of Marijuana There are various types of marijuana which are classified into two categories, that are, Indica and Sativa. Marijuana producers often cross breed to change the growing properties of the original. Of the two, Indica is much shorter, smaller, thicker and smelly buds of plants and these produce flowers much rapidly than the Sativas, for example, with flowering bed of 6-9 weeks. Whereas Sativas grows more rational, energetic and taller with greater buds which are not much thick and smelly and takes longer time to produce flower in comparison to Indica, that is, 9-10 weeks. Effects of Marijuana If marijuana’s use is for treatment, it may also cause some side effects concerning memory, learning or behavior of a person. Some people take powder of marijuana and start smoking it which may cause the same coughing and breathing issues which occur during smoking cigarettes. As marijuana is addictive, so many people get used to it so much that they can’t leave it for a day even, this may be because they have started it in their early teen ages. The undesired effects of the drug consist of the reddening of eyes, short term memory, dry mouth and impaired motor skills. Apart from the perception and mood change, there are some common effects which are caused by the drug which are as follows: Increased heart rate and increased appetite and food consumption, Lowered blood pressure and impairment of short term/working memory, Psychomotor coordination and concentration. Another literature review in back year (2013) showed that extensive use of marijuana has various consequences which include medically-based somatic, emotional, communicative and community health and is also addressed of causing diseases of the liver co-existing hepatitis C, lungs, vasculature and heart. It is also used to lessen the effect of sickness and queasiness in chemotherapy and people who have AIDS (Acquired immune Deficiency syndrome), and it is also used to treat pain and muscular spasticity. In another study, it is noted that the increased use of this drug may cause schizophrenia, accidental pediatric ingestions, and lack of wrapping for therapeutic marijuana preparations. The therapeutic concept of marijuana is disputed as the plant fails to fulfill the standard supplies of the approved drugs. Marijuana’s Intoxication The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United states tells that the herb marijuana consists of numerous extremely harmful health effects, and the production, content and source are free. There are only two products whose prescription is approved by the FDA, not for the smoking purpose, and they have pure THC in a controlled amount as an active substance. Smoking this harmful drug can cause fast and foreseeable signs and indications whereas eating this drug may cause slower and lesser foreseeable symptoms. Marijuana causes undesirable symptoms with an increased dose of it like terror, grave psychosis or paranoia which are common in the fresh people who started using it for the first time in their lives compared to those who already have in-taken this drug. The amount which can cause any effect on a person is variable from person to person and the amount of the drug used. Marijuana is accompanied with hallucinogens and many other dangerous side effects which include sudden high blood pressure with headache, chest pain and heart tempo instabilities, extreme hyperactivity and bodily ferocity, heart attack, annexations, stroke, sudden breakdown, that is, cardiac arrest. Treatment and Care Treatment through marijuana can be for the prevention of injury, assuring that the people having ferocious behaviors due to drug. Medicines named as benzodiazepines, such as diazepam (Valium) or Iorazepam (Ativan) can be used for treatment. People or children with harmful and more serious side effects are kept under observation of the heart and brain for their treatment in the hospital. Less complicated intoxication of the drug rarely need medical assistance but serious symptoms needs the treatment by some other drugs mixed in marijuana. When to contact a medical representative If the user of this drug is facing the undesired effects of the drugs like one is having trouble in breathing or he or she cannot be awakened they should immediately contact the doctor. And if something more worse than this happen, for example, the person is not breathing or has no heart pulse then the CPR should be started and an ambulance should be called and the CPR should be continued until the help is arrived. Neurological Effects Of Marijuana In 2013 review, various organizational and purposeful imaging showed that morphologically brain alterations are seen in the users which have used the drug from a long time. Another review in 2010, it was found that that resting blood flow was lesses in the prefrontal areas of the brain in the people who uses marijuana whereas the non-users didn’t showed any such symptoms. It was also noted that the supply of this drug to any person causes the blood flow to increase and also facilitates the beginning of the anterior cingulate cortex when the users of this drug were provided with the assignments which required the using of cognitive ability. The reviews showed that the studies were not fully examined and they had methodological limitations, for example, they had less amount of sample and they were not able to differentiate between the marijuana users and the alcohol consuming people. Physiological Effects Of Marijuana According to the drug abuse institute, the effects of the drug on mood vary may also includes calmness, anxiety and paranoia. Getting stoned is the purpose that most of the drug smokers use this drug. More short term emotional effects are: distorted sense of time, paranoia, mystic or casual thinking with short term recall loss, anxiety or hopelessness affecting the lives of the users. Although these symptoms are eased down after a few hours of intake of drug but the remaining effects may last for several days. Risks of Marijuana’s Use The risk of using this drug increases with the amount of the drug in-taken. Many doctors say that heavy smokers of the drug are at an increased risk of lung cancer. Heavy doses of the drug lessens the men’s testosterone levels and sperm production and their quality and it also affects the libido and fertility in heavy smokers in men. On the contrary, many of the users say that marijuana is addictive psychologically. Among various individuals can face the withdrawal symptoms if they can’t get high when they are willing to do so. The dependency rate is higher in heavy smokers. Experts also believe that the drug is addictive physically but it’s withdrawal symptoms includes a list of which some are mentioned: Aggression, they become aggressive so much that they can be harmful to other people nearby, Anxiety, people faces anxiety, Depressed mood, they do not feel like doing any work or they do not want to talk to anybody, Decreased appetite, they do not feel like eating anything, and much more. And once one has had the taste of marijuana he goes on to another drug to taste it, therefore marijuana should be used under highly strict environment and only for the purpose of treatment.

Peace of God Essay -- Essasys Papers

Peace of God The â€Å"Peace of God† encompasses a wide array of definitions. â€Å"Peace of God† is a gift from God. It is simpler than the peace that we may think. For example, I picked a sample of three gentlemen in my fraternity and asked them what is their first thought that arises with the phrase â€Å"Peace of God.† The responses in order was: . A society without wars . A God that condemns wars . A union of all religions. As interesting as their responses are, my research has found that the peace that God has endowed within his people are, â€Å"peace of mind and heart.† Site exhibits an interesting viewpoint of â€Å"Peace of God.† It begins by defining peace from the bible, where peace came from a Greek word â€Å"eireinei,† which refers to the â€Å"mental attitude of tranquility based on a relationship with God in the Christian way of life.† The site further analyzes â€Å"peace† in two ways. â€Å"There is a personal peace of God which comes when a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior.† â€Å"There is the peace of God which is available on a daily basis as the believer participates in the Christian way of life according to the plan of God.† The site continues further by emphasizing that â€Å"Peace of God is never available apart from Grace.† Essentially through God's Grace, he dissolved the barrier between man and God. So that when â€Å"the unbeliever responds to Grace by faith, the result is peace.† Another site I found interesting in the way they defined â€Å"peace† was This site contains diverse definitions of the biblical view of â€Å"peace.† Although this site does not exactly define the phrase â€Å"Peace of God,† the ..., and calmness†. Although I believe I have concluded my search for the â€Å"Peace of God,† I decided to search one more site. The site that I found is, which similar to the former site. It begins by defining God's peace in two ways, â€Å"Freedom from worries, troubles, and fears.† â€Å"Peace of mind: a state of friendliness and calm.† These two definitions regarding the peace of God are relevant in the life of a chivalrous knight in that a knight faces adversity many times. One cannot be worried or troubled because it is a waste of energy. For if a knight is constantly worried and afraid, he cannot have enough courage to defeat his enemy. Also without a â€Å"state of friendliness and calmness,† a knight is not being chivalrous if he does not have peace of mind and acts ungentlemanly – like.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Free College Essays - The Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice :: Pride and Prejudice

The Brutality of Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice The passage which best relates the theme of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, is on page 125, in the middle of the page. This is where Mr. Darcy is proposing to Elizabeth, and is informing her of the inferiority of her family and connections. This passage is significant because it is one of the few times where the characters openly acknowledge that the sole purpose of a person's life is to achieve a high salary and a high social position. It is evident from every point of the story that all people care about is marrying into a higher social rank. And even for those who are comfortable with their current status, it is imperative that they only marry someone of at least equivalent rank. This idea possesses every character in the story and seems to motivate every action that is taken. The superficiality of this idea goes so far as to break the bonds of love. Darcy is willing to insult a girl as he is proposing to her, just to inform her of what he has to go through in order to stoop to someone of her level. Regardless of what Darcy thought his chances were at acceptance, he was still addressing a girl that barely knows him, and actually dislikes him. That is not a situation where insults are likely to bring results. This point is compounded because Elizabeth only gets slightly insulted by this comment. Her initial refusal of Darcy was based almost totally on his actions towards Jane and Bingley's relationship, and his treatment of Mr. Wickham. However, she is barely perturbed by this comment of Darcy regarding her family. This is so strange because one would expect Elizabeth to at least be equally mad for personal insults as well as for what was done to others. Pride and Prejudice ends with Elizabeth and Darcy each overcoming their anger against each other, and falling in love. However, this touching scene is ruined because of the appearance of Lady Catherine. She demands Elizabeth to marry Darcy, and tells Darcy that it would reflect negatively on his family if he were to marry someone as "low class" as Elizabeth. Free College Essays - The Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice :: Pride and Prejudice The Brutality of Prejudice in Pride and Prejudice The passage which best relates the theme of Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, is on page 125, in the middle of the page. This is where Mr. Darcy is proposing to Elizabeth, and is informing her of the inferiority of her family and connections. This passage is significant because it is one of the few times where the characters openly acknowledge that the sole purpose of a person's life is to achieve a high salary and a high social position. It is evident from every point of the story that all people care about is marrying into a higher social rank. And even for those who are comfortable with their current status, it is imperative that they only marry someone of at least equivalent rank. This idea possesses every character in the story and seems to motivate every action that is taken. The superficiality of this idea goes so far as to break the bonds of love. Darcy is willing to insult a girl as he is proposing to her, just to inform her of what he has to go through in order to stoop to someone of her level. Regardless of what Darcy thought his chances were at acceptance, he was still addressing a girl that barely knows him, and actually dislikes him. That is not a situation where insults are likely to bring results. This point is compounded because Elizabeth only gets slightly insulted by this comment. Her initial refusal of Darcy was based almost totally on his actions towards Jane and Bingley's relationship, and his treatment of Mr. Wickham. However, she is barely perturbed by this comment of Darcy regarding her family. This is so strange because one would expect Elizabeth to at least be equally mad for personal insults as well as for what was done to others. Pride and Prejudice ends with Elizabeth and Darcy each overcoming their anger against each other, and falling in love. However, this touching scene is ruined because of the appearance of Lady Catherine. She demands Elizabeth to marry Darcy, and tells Darcy that it would reflect negatively on his family if he were to marry someone as "low class" as Elizabeth.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Robert Jervis - Perception And Level Of Analysis :: essays research papers

Robert Jervis in Perception and Level of Analysis espouses the notion that in order to fully explain crucial decisions and policies it is essential that one pays heed to the decision-maker’s beliefs about the world and his or her perceptions of others. Rather than attempting to understand foreign policies as directly resulting from the three other levels of analysis, the bureaucratic, the domestic, and the international environment, which he outlines, Jervis contends that examination of a decision-maker’s perceptions, both their causes and effects, can more readily determine and explain behavioral patterns; in such a light, the taxonomy or three other levels of analysis appear devoid of truth value when applied alone, and all related theories are shown as invalid except in extreme cases. Nonetheless, one might more accurately contest that while careful study of a decision-maker’s beliefs is a necessity for comprehension, analysis of such beliefs is in fact an ex amination of bureaucratic organizations, domestic circumstances, and the international environment; all four are interrelated in the sense that the perceptions of the decision-maker are influenced by the circumstances existent in the three other levels. Likewise the three levels are themselves affected and often altered by the politician’s choices. Therefore, in order to provide the most comprehensive explanations of foreign policy decisions one cannot completely disregard externalities, and conversely one cannot ignore individual perceptions of decision-makers. One cannot rely solely on the bureaucratic level of analysis, the domestic, the international environment, or even on a combination of the three as adequate. What one might interpret as a clash of bureaucratic interests and stands yielding incoherent and conflicting policies, could in reality be a â€Å"clash among values that are widely held in both society and the decision-makers’ own minds† (Jervis 28). Similarly, if domestic situations were the medium upon which politicians base their decisions then changes in leadership would not necessarily produce significant changes in foreign policy; however, the consistency of foreign policy is difficult to measure. For example, some might contend that the Cold War would not have occurred had President Franklin Delano Roosevelt not died; they suggest that his death altered American policy in the sense that President Truman and his anti-Soviet position came to dominate political decision-making. Others contest that FDR would ha ve acted similarly to Truman, as he too was coming to an anti-Soviet stance prior to his death. If the former is seen as accurate the domestic level of analysis is insufficient and not applicable, but in the latter instance it could be viewed as a valid basis for judging decision-making.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Romanticism Poem and the Concept of Mercy

The concept of mercy can be a very hard thing for one to grasp. One may find themselves asking â€Å"Whom shall be given mercy? †, and â€Å"How much mercy should be shown? †. There is no definite answer to those questions as mercy can be shown in different ways. There are three particular works that emphasize the concept of mercy, each showing a different perspective. The three works that use very distinctive ways to show mercy are The Merchant of Venice, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, and Verses Upon the Burning of our House.All of the themes of these works are much alike, as they all involve the comparison of mercy to a great power. However, there are a few distinctions among the works. In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, the author uses a particular caption in the play to show how the concept of mercy should be perceived. Shakespeare shows the concepts of mercy by explaining how powerful mercy. Shakespeare shows this by stating, â€Å"It is an attribute to God himself,† (IV. i. 193) thus saying that God uses mercy and so should everyone else.In the narrative Versus Upon the Burning of our House, the author, Anne Bradstreet, talks about the merciful God, and how he has saved her from destruction. She writes about how she has become too materialistic and how her merciful God has helped her in her time of need. This can be shown when the author writes, â€Å"And to my God my heart did cry/To straighten me in my distress,† (8-9) In Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Jonathan Edwards writes about the Mercy of God as well. His account differs from Bradstreet’s a little, as he is talking about how God is the reason for everyone living.He says that if it were not for a merciful God, then no one would be living. This can be supported by the author stating, â€Å"It is nothing but His mere pleasure that keeps you from being this moment swallowed up in everlasting destruction,† (56) Even though these w orks have different variations of the concept of mercy, the overall theme is the power of mercy is unending. All three of these works demonstrate that mercy can be used in many different ways and different amounts. Although, as stated before, the theme is mostly the same over all the works, the tone is very different.Each of these works have their own clear-cut tones. Shakespeare takes on the tone of appreciation. While reading the passage, readers observe Shakespeare appreciating mercy and all its glory. Shakespeare writes, â€Å"It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven,† (IV. i. 185) giving the reader the illustration that mercy is very plentiful and gentle. Countless times throughout the passage Shakespeare speaks of the power of mercy and just how wonderful it is. As for Bradstreet and Edwards, they take on totally different tones. Bradstreet’s tone is thankfulness of mercy.The author comes across within the passage as being very thankful for Gods mercy and how s he would be lost without it. This can be proving by the following quote, â€Å"I blest his grace that gave and took,/That laid my goods now in the dust. † (14-15) This is a prime example of the author thanking God for having mercy and helping her rather than punishing her. Both Shakespeare and Bradstreet talk about what can happen when mercy is present. Edwards on the other hand talks about what will happen without mercy. Edwards describes violent and vivid images of destruction in his writing.All of which can happen without the mercy of God. He speaks of how you should fear the absence of mercy saying, â€Å"Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downward with great weight and pressure towards hell; and if God should let you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf†¦. † (56) Over all, mercy is said to be praised for its presence, and feared for its absence. The authors use multiple ways of sho wing their own perspective on the concept of mercy.The three authors’ uses of literary devices in their works help strongly support their ideas on the concept of mercy. For instance, Shakespeare uses a simile that compares mercy as being better than a crown for a king. He writes, â€Å"It becomes the throned monarch better than his crown. † This simile backs up the idea of mercy being powerful, and it can be the most powerful in those with the most power. Bradstreet uses an extended metaphor saying that the burning of her house is like the burning of her sins.She thanks God for saving her from her material things which she feels are a sin. Edwards uses multiple similes and metaphors showings Gods power and how everyone is doomed without him. For instance he writes, â€Å"The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much a one holds a spider or some loathsome insect over the fir, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked,† giving the reader the understanding that Go d is unbelievably greater than people. Each writer uses different literary devices to strengthen their views on the concept of mercy, and each is used in a very strategic manner.The concept of mercy can be interpreted by many different people many different ways. There is no set rules of mercy, and it is up for discussion among people. Everyone has their own ideas on how mercy is and should be. Who’s idea is right? Well, there is no incorrect or correct way to show mercy. In the three works of literature discussed above, each author has their own interpretation of the concept of mercy. Each work has a very distinctive way of proving their point, and each has a similarities and differences with the other works as to how mercy should be perceived.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Parallels: The Influence of Lady Macbeth and the Three Witches Essay

Throughout a person’s life, there are many things, like strangers or the media, that influence how a person will behave. The main factor in this influence tends to be the people in their lives that they are closest too. Sometimes the influence of people can significantly change a person – whether in a good way, or a bad way. In the play _Macbeth_, written by William Shakespeare, there are many examples of bad influences changing someone for the worst. Through the influence of the three witches and Lady Macbeth, Macbeth is changed into a bad person. By the three witches and his wife, Macbeth is influenced through his unquestioning trust in them, and the manipulation of his thoughts. Placing too much trust into the three witches and Lady Macbeth is what helped change Macbeth into a bad person. When Macbeth first meets the witches with Banquo, Macbeth is told three prophecies by them. The first he already knew to be true. Later on, he finds out that the next prophecy also comes true for him. This then makes him sure that the third prophecy – that he shall become king – will also come true. It can be seen that he trusts the witches words when he says, â€Å"Two truths are told, / As happy prologues to the swelling act / Of the imperial theme.† (I.iii.137-139) However, the next time Macbeth goes to see the witches for more prophecies, Macbeth proves that he is putting too much trust into the witches. This time they give him another three prophecies. After hearing these prophecies Macbeth says, â€Å"Whate’er thou art, for thy good caution, thanks;† (IV.i.79) When Macbeth hears the prophecies he does not even question them, but instead becomes over-confident in the witches’ words. While talking to Lennox after the witches disappear he even says: Time, thou anticipates my dread exploits: The flighty purpose never is o’erook Unless the deed go with it: from this  moment, The very firstlings of my hear shall be The firstlings of my hand. And even now, To crown my thoughts with acts, be it thought and done; (IV.i.158-163) This proves that Macbeth’s trust in the witches made him impetuous and made him act upon all of his bad decisions without even thinking about them. Likewise, Macbeth’s trust in lady Macbeth made him into a bad person as well. After receiving the prophecies and informing his wife about it, Macbeth was not sure that he could actually go through with the murder of Duncan. But Lady Macbeth said to him, â€Å"To alter favour ever is to fear: / Leave all the rest to me.† (I.v.80-81) This shows how confident she was in her plan to kill Duncan. She portrayed it as the right and only thing to do. Since Macbeth had so much trust in her, he let her sway him into becoming a murderer. However, even though his trust in Lady Macbeth led Macbeth to kill one person, his trust in the witches led him to have many people killed, which shows that his trust in the witches had a far more negative influence on him in changing him into a bad person. Therefore, by trusting the witches and becoming too impetuous with his decisions and trusting Lady Macbeth to convince him to murder, Macbeth has proven that he has been changed into a bad person. Having Macbeth’s thoughts manipulated by the three witches and his wife also changed Macbeth into a bad person. Macbeth seemed perfectly normal before he met the witches. He had just fought in a war for his country and was already the thane of Glamis. Not once did Macbeth ever mention being unhappy about his current life. But, when Macbeth meets the three witches for the first time they are the first to put dark ideas into his head. The witches tell him three prophecies: he will be thane of Glamis, thane of Cawdor, and king. Macbeth already knew he was the thane of Glamis, and shortly after a nobleman of Scottland by the name of Ross finds Macbeth and says to him: And, for an earnest of a greater honour, He bade me, from him, call thee thane of Cawdor: In which addition, hail, most worthy thane! For it is thine. (I.iii.109-112) After hearing this Macbeth knows he is the new thane of Cawdor, which meant the witches’ first two prophecies were right. To Macbeth this meant that the third prophecy of him becoming king must be true as well, but then he starts to get some dark ideas in his head because of the witches prophecies. To himself he says: This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill; cannot be good: if ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success, Commencing in a truth? †¦ If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, Against the use of nature? Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings: (I.iii.140-148) In the same way, Macbeth’s wife manipulates his thoughts by making him think he is not much of a man. After Lady Macbeth heard of the news that Macbeth would become king, she became so certain that king Duncan had to die – Macbeth had to murder him. So she discussed it with her husband. However when she realizes that Macbeth is not sure he wants to kill Duncan she says to him: When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more than man †¦ (I.vii.54-56) To get her husband to commit the murder, Lady Macbeth attacks how much of a man he really is. This basically makes Macbeth feel worthless and have the sudden urge to prove his manliness. He does not instantly go and kill Duncan, but this manipulation of his thoughts by his wife really gets to him, and is a main factor in why he eventually killed Duncan. However, even though the three witches and Lady Macbeth both manipulated his thoughts, Lady Macbeth had a far greater influence on making Macbeth into a bad person. After his encounter with the three witches, Macbeth still had made no sure decision to actually kill Duncan. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth – the one person that Macbeth truly cares about the most – convinces him to do the killing. Without her influence Macbeth would not have committed the murder and might not have become the bad person he became. Therefore, through the witches putting dark ideas into his head and his wife attacking his manliness, Macbeth is influenced into becoming a bad person. In conclusion, the three witches and Lady Macbeth had the most influence on  Macbeth in the play. They influenced him into becoming a bad person. Their abuse of Macbeth’s trust, and manipulation of his thoughts led him to become impetuous, get dark ideas in his head, and finally commit multiple murders. His trust in the witches made him kill many people, but without listening to Lady Macbeth and doing as she told him, he would never have committed the first murder of Duncan. This murder was the inciting incident that led him to his downfall, and proved he became a bad person. This proves that Lady Macbeth was a more negative influence on Macbeth becoming a bad person. WORKS CITED Shakespeare, William. Macbeth. Harcourt Brace & Company Canada, 1988.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Criteria for effective control

Briefly discuss the criteria for effective control. There are five criteria for effective control. In designing a control system, one must make sure that it measures what is important now and what is important in the future, not what is important in the past. Firstly, the systems must be related to organizational strategy. In designing a control system, one must make sure that it measures what is important now and what is important in the future, not what is important in the past.Multinational corporations often find it useful to maintain a entralized, integrated system of controls consistent with the strategic orientation of the organization. For example, General Motor maintains a number of units that are interdependent through each of the sequential steps in the manufacturing process, therefore, General Motor must have control systems that ensure that production processes are not disrupted. Secondly, use all steps in the control process.To be effective, a control system must employ all steps in the control process. Standards of performance must be set, measurements of actual performance taken, comparisons f standards with actual performance made, and when necessary, corrective action taken. For example, in our life, for a grade A in our management course, suppose we never bothered to check our posted grade on the midterm exam. In this case, our control system would be incomplete. Without knowing our midterm exam score, we would not compare our performance with our standard.Thirdly, be composed of objective and subjective measures. Effective control systems typically require managers to blend quantitative (objective) and qualitative (subjective) performance easures. For example, management may have set specific targets for productivity. This performance goal has a precise formula for measurement. In the same situation, management has also expressed a desire to achieve high levels of worker satisfaction. Forth, be timely in feedback reporting.Timeliness is the degree to which the control systems provides information when it is needed. The issue here is not how fast the feedback information is provided but whether it is provided quickly enough to permit a response to an unacceptable deviation. For example, the U. S. naval accident that occurred in early 2005 present the importance of timeliness itself. The crew of the nuclear submarine USS San Francisco violated the feedback timeliness requirement with near-catastrophic consequences.In short, the submarine smashed into an undersea mountain. A subsequent naval investigation reveal the crew should have checked the water depth more frequently, should not have been traveling at high speed, and failed to take into account a variety of danger signs, all of which contributed to the underwater accident. Last but not least, be cceptable to a diverse workforce. To be effective, organizational controls must be accepted by employees.The control system should motivate workers to recognize standards and act to achieve them. For example, as a student in a management course. Suppose our professor has no problem assigning course grade B or lower but says that a grade of A can be achieved only by students who read a new chapter and five related Journal articles everyday and submit a 20-page, typewritten synopsis of these readings each day. Would we be discouraged from attempting to earn a grade

Fasting, Feasting Style Essay

Point of View The novel is written in the third person limited point of view. This means that the author tells the story from an objective position, as if viewing the story’s events without benefit of any thoughts or feelings coming directly from the individual characters. The author presents the chain of events in the story and then interjects what the characters may be thinking or experiencing based on their reactions, facial expression, and tone of voice. This point of view is especially pertinent for the content of the novel, which revolves around the issue of repression, especially for the female characters. The women are not allowed authentic voices in their homes or their societies. So the author restricts what the reader can know to mimic the repression experienced by the characters. Genre A speedy, intense narrative switching point of view and tense as needed. There are many unheralded transitions from scene to scene and flashback (15-63) is used to excellent effect. Threads of the story are left unfinished only to be taken up again later in the novel and given a deeper significance (see Anamika’s or Aruna’s story). General Vision or Viewpoint Think well about this question from a couple of standpoints. It might be easy to dismiss Uma’s world as oppressive to women and to the servant underclass and to decide that life could not be a fulfilled experience in such circumstances. You might think that Uma’s life is a tragic injustice; that she is used and misused by a patriarchal family and society. You might see Arun as a narrow-minded, judgemental outsider unable to adjust to a culture different to his own and whose life is quite unfulfilled. But this might be to miss the humour and love that is invested in daily living. In India people have a warmth and a variety to their lives that is enviable. 1. Read these notes taken from different sources on the web. Do you agree with what they say? Does the point of view used by Desai make you sympathise with a certain character? Explain the use of point of view and provide quotations to support your ideas. Themes Family Life Although the novel has action in two separate countries and has many characters, there is the central theme of family life that unites them all. In India, the immediate family has great importance; but the extended family also has an impact on the characters’ lives. This is evidenced by the coming together of family members for securing bridegrooms and making wedding arrangements for Uma and Aruna. There is also huge family support and involvement related to times of sorrow, such as the coming together after the death of Anamika. The rituals for both these happy and sad occasions are marked with tradition and purpose. These elements seem to be sorely lacking in the Patton household in America. It is understood that the time period of Arun’s stay with the Pattons encompasses only three months and does not represent a comprehensive look at the Patton family. Themes and issues Suffering Human suffering is depicted frequently in both parts of the novel. Uma is made to suffer by her parents and men who take advantage of her. The unusual thing about her is her response to this suffering. She seems to maintain optimism throughout her ordeals. Anamika’s terrible life and the abuse she suffers may illuminate your discussion of suffering as would the plight of Melanie who suffers mental illness and bulimia and is a sad example of American youth. Loneliness The plight of Arun in America will yield many examples of loneliness as will Uma herself who despite her large extended family keeping her busy she seems quite isolated. Loyalty/Betrayal  You might advance the notion that Uma and Anamika are betrayed by their parents in that they treat them very badly when it comes to marriage and relationships. Both girls are seen as burdens to be disposed of and you could say they were betrayed. Similarly, Melanie’s plight is so ignored by her mother that the word betrayal might not be too strong. 2. Can you think of other themes in the novel? Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. Provide quotations to justify your choice. 3Example of an analysis of passages Do you agree with him? Can you find more examples of how Desai uses X to  create Y ? Now analyse the following passage. 4 Questions 5. Poetry Pied Beauty Gerard Manley Hopkins Follow this link: 1. Listen to the poem and read it at least twice. Hopkins was born in 1844, and died just 45 years later, in 1889, but in this relatively short life he wrote some of the most startling and original poetry of the whole 19th Century. He was a deeply intellectual and religious man, and became a Jesuit priest in 1877, the same year in which he wrote ‘Pied Beauty’. Throughout his life Hopkins was deeply fond of the countryside and its beauty, in which he could see the work and power of God. In ‘Pied Beauty’ he expresses his delight and astonishment at the sheer diversity of nature. What do the things Hopkins describes have in common? How does Hopkins celebrate diversity? How does the image of the chestnut link the physical with the spiritual world? How is the human world linked to the physical world in the poem? How are both the physical and the human world linked to God? Comment on the following compound nouns /verbs: ‘couple-colour’, ‘fresh-firecoal’, fathers-forth’. Comment on the use of sound in the poem and the effect it creates. Comment on the rhythm (metre) of the poem N.B. it is irregular). How does it contribute to its meaning? Annotate the rhyme scheme. What comments can you make on its effect? The poem begins and ends in a symmetrical way. Why? What is the effect of the short final line? In what way are the first and second parts of the poem the reverse of each other? What is the effect of delaying the verb ‘fathers-forth’ to the beginning of the penultimate line? Examination Question: How does this poem seek to convey the ‘glory’ and grandeur of God for Hopkins? After reading the poem, write in paragraphs a summary of what you think the poem is about and your analysis of it. You can work in groups (not more than four in each group) and hand in your work to Carolina, please. What does Curnow’s reading of his poem adds to your appreciation of it? 2. Read the following which will help you to analyse the poem. Entrapments at Home and Abroad in Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting T. Ravichandran Assistant Professor of English, Department of Humanities & Social Sciences, IIT Kanpur Anita Desai’s Fasting, Feasting, as it is implied in the title itself, is a novel of contrast between two cultures, the one, Indian, known for its pious and longstanding customs representing ‘fasting,’ and the other, American, a country of opulence and sumptuousness epitomising ‘feasting.’ The plot unveils through the perceptions of Uma, in India, and of Arun, in America. Both of them are entrapped, irrespective of the culture and enveloping milieu, by oppressive bonds exercised by their own parents, MamaPapa. They are just MamaPapa or PapaMama but remain nameless throughout the novel. Yet, this namelessness does not indicate their anonymity but signifies their universality. They are the prototypical parents found everywhere in the middle-class families of India, who discuss, plan, plot, control, govern the activities of their children, be it marriage or going abroad for studies. And in their over-domineering concern, they tend to ignore the inadverte nt possibility of entrapping their own offspring. Thus, they do not give contingency to the fact that perhaps their children too can have a life to call their own. May be even their own preoccupations, their own priorities, maybe an agenda for themselves that goes beyond what they actually want for their children. The novel beings with a snapshot of MamaPapa in a contemplative mood: â€Å"The parents sit, rhythmically swinging, back and forth. They could be asleep, dozing—their eyes are hooded—but sometimes they speak.† That is when a sudden deluge of ideas hit them and they order their eldest daughter, Uma, to carry out them without delay. Uma is asked first to inform the cook to prepare sweets for her father, with neglectful impatience she states that she has been already asked to pack a parcel to be sent to her brother, Arun, in America. While she comes literally running on her toes, she is entrusted with an additional job of writing a letter to their son. Somewhere in the middle of the novel, the reader understands that it is the usual scene that goes on in the household of MamaPapa. â€Å"All morning MamaPapa have found things for Uma to do. It is as if Papa’s retirement is to be spent in this manner—sitting on the red swing in the veranda with Mama, rocking, and finding ways to keep Uma occupied. As long as they can do that, they themselves feel busy and occupied† (133). In th is manner, living under the demanding rule of MamaPapa, Uma is repressed, suppressed and is imprisoned at home. The first part of the novel tells us in a flashback how she became a reluctant victim of entrapment at home. The second part of the novel shows how her brother Arun, who leaves his home for higher studies feels trapped by the very education that is meant to liberate him. Usually, at home, it would be an oppressive atmosphere even if one of the parents is overpowering. With regard to Uma, both of her parents appear to have merged into a single identity MamaPapa/PapaMama, as if they have a â€Å"Siamese twin existence†(6). Hence, whenever MamaPapa say something, and whoever says it, it comes with double the intensity and power that it cannot be defied at all. â€Å"Having fused into one, they had gained so much in substance, in stature, in authority, that they loomed large enough as it was; they did not need separate histories and backgrounds to make them even more immense†(6). Despite a slight variation in the roles they have chosen to play, Papa’s of â€Å"scowling† and â€Å"Mama’s scolding†(10), in terms of opinion, they never differed from each other. Therefore, if one refused there would not be any â€Å"point in appealing to the other parent for a different verdict: none was expected, or given†(14 ). Furthermore, the women are not allowed for outings usually, but when Papa feels that the women laze around the house too much, then they would be taken to the park for walk. On one such occasion, Uma gets easily distracted and fails to keep pace with her Papa. Though Papa is far away, and she is left in the company of Mama, she would not dare attempt  to buy some eatables on her wish though it is highly tempting: â€Å"Uma finds saliva gathering at the corners of her mouth at the smell of the spiced, roasted gram but decides to say nothing† (12-13). In the end, Uma is blamed for being â€Å"slow† when all the while Uma could not reconcile herself as why they are hurrying just to go back home. Likewise, the children are not allowed to have any sense of privacy even when they have grown-up. They are not allowed to shut any doors in the household. For this meant secrets, especially nasty secrets, which are impermissible: â€Å"It meant authority would come stalking in and make a search to seize upon the nastiness, the unclean blot†(15). MamaPapa also decide which of their children should have education and how much of it. As far as Uma is concerned, a pleasant escape from her claustrophobic conditions at home is her school-going. The convent school for her is â€Å"streaked with golden promise†(20). Hence, she always goes early to the school and later finds some excuse to linger there for longer time. Conversely, she feels deprived during dull weekends when she is left at home: â€Å"There were the wretched weekends when she was plucked back into the trivialities of her home, which seemed a denial, a negation of life as it ought to be, somber and splendid, and then the endless summer vacation when the heat reduced even that pointless existence to further vacuity†(21). Regardless of Uma’s verve for convent education, she is forced to stop going to school when Mama gives birth to the third baby, Arun. Even as Uma shows disagreement, she is coaxed, cajoled and finally threatened to accept her Mamaà ¢â‚¬â„¢s decision: ‘But ayah can do this—ayah can do that—’ Uma tried to protest when the orders began to come thick and fast. This made Mama look stern again. ‘You know we can’t leave the baby to the servant,’ she said severely. ‘He needs proper attention.’ When Uma pointed out that ayah had looked after her and Aruna as babies, Mama’s expression made it clear it was quite a different matter now, and she repeated threateningly: ‘Proper attention’ (31). Later, Uma looks forward towards her marriage to give her the much-needed relief, yet, unfortunately, she returns home frustrated after a deceitful marriage and subsequent divorce. Back at home, she gets a rare, job offer  through Dr. Dutt, but MamaPapa refuse to send her. When Dr. Dutt persists on taking Uma for the job, Mama lies of an illness for which she needs Uma to nurse her. In like manner, when Uma receives an invitation for a coffee party from Mrs. O’Henry, MamaPapa refuse to send her to the party because of the apprehension that Mrs. O’Henry might ensnare her and convert her into a Christian nun. Reduced thus to a baby-sitter at her earlier days and an unpaid servant for her self-centred parents for the rest of her life, Uma finds no escape from her entrapment. Uma experiences, however, a brief repose of happiness and freedom once when she is allowed to accompany her ailing aunt, Mira-Masi, on her pilgrimage. During her stay at night in an ashram, Uma finds a strange link of her life with the barks and howls of the dogs: At night she lay quietly on her mat, listening to the ashram dog bark. Then other dogs in distant villages, out along the river bed and over in the pampas grass, or in wayside shacks and hovels by the highway—barked back. They howled long messages to each other. Their messages traveled back and forth through the night darkness which was total, absolute. Gradually the barks sank into it and drowned. Then it was silent. That was what Uma felt her own life to have been—full of barks, howls, messages, and now—silence (61). At this juncture, one is reminded of Anita Desai’s characteristic way of making her internally turbulent protagonists find expression by association with external surroundings. Thus, for instance, in Cry, the Peacock, Maya’s feelings of isolation and longings are coupled with those of the crying of the peacocks. Still, one locates a kind of sublimity in the agonised inner cry of Maya when it is likened with peacocks. When Uma’s pain is related to the barks and howls of dogs, the poetry of Maya’s anguish is to be seen in sharp contrast to that of the excruciating poverty of Uma’s entrapment. Catering to the whims and fancies of MamaPapa, but keeping her remorse selfcontained, at one point of the novel, Uma feels utterly friendless and alone, even when she is at home and surrounded by her MamaPapa. In desperation, she thinks of writing a letter to a friend to share her grief but it only ends up with the realisation that she has none to confide with: She could write a letter to a friend—a private message of despair, dissatisfaction, yearning; she has a packet of notepaper, pale violet with a pink rose embossed in the corner—but who is the friend? Mrs. Joshi? But since she lives next door, she would be surprised. Aruna? But Aruna would pay no attention, she is too busy. Cousin Ramu? Where was he? Had his farm swallowed him up? And Anamika—had marriage devoured her? (134). However, it would be wrong to presuppose that Anita Desai shows Uma’s unattractiveness, clumsiness and dullness of mind as causes for her entrapment. Uma’s polar opposite, her graceful, beautiful and brilliant cousin, Anamika’s confinement is more poignant. While Uma’s failure in her school exams pressurises her to stay at home, Anamika does so excellently in her final school exams, that she wins a scholarship to Oxford. Yet, Anamika lives in a patriarchal society that considers higher education to be the prerogative of males, and marriage as the major preoccupation of females. The scholarship obtained is used only as a means to win her a husband who is considered an equal to the family’s prestige. Anamika’s parents are unperturbed by the fact that he is so much older than her, so grim-faced and conscious of his own superiority, and is â€Å"totally impervious to Anamika’s beauty and grace and distinction† (70). But it is Anamik a, who starts another life of entrapment the moment she enters her in-laws’ house. Anamika’s husband is a typical ‘Mama’s boy’ to the extent he could be a silent witness to his mother’s beating of his wife regularly. Anamika, who won a scholarship to Oxford, spends her entire time in the kitchen cooking for a very large family that eats in shifts—â€Å"first the men, then the children, finally the women† (70). After a miscarriage, which followed a brutal beating, and the belief that she could not bear more children, finally, the family ties her up in a nylon saree, pours the kerosene over her, and burns her to death. Here again Desai is not implying that the un-burnt brides and the well-settled ones may live a content life. In this regard, she portrays the story of Aruna, Uma’s smart and pretty younger sister who makes a discreet choice and marries â€Å"the wisest, †¦ the handsomest, the richest, the most exciting of the suitors who presented themselves†(101). Aruna’s marriage to Arvind who has a job in Bombay and a flat in a housing block in Juhu, facing the beach is just a like a  dream-come-true. Yet to live that dream-life fully she transforms hersel f and desperately seeks to introduce change in the lives of others. She cuts her hair, takes her make-up kit wherever she goes, and calls her sister and mother as ‘villagers’ once they refuse to accept her sophisticated and flashy style of life. For that reason, she avoids visiting her parents’ home and the rare occasions of her short visits are spent in blaming the untidiness of the surrounding and the inhabitants. Even she goes to the extent of scolding her husband when he splits tea in his saucer, or wears a shirt, which does not match, with his trousers. In this way, Aruna’s entrapment is different from the rest. She has liberated herself from the customs and dominating home rules that bind the rest of the characters like Uma and Anamika. Yet, in negating those codes, she ensnares herself in her mad pursuit towards a vision of perfection. And in order to reach that perfection she needs to constantly uncover and rectify the flaws of her own family as well as of Arvind’s. When none other than Uma sees through the entrapment of Aruna, she feels pity for her: Seeing Aruna vexed to the point of tears because the cook’s pudding had sunk and spread instead of remaining upright and solid, or because Arvind had come to dinner in his bedroom slippers, or Papa was wearing a t-shirt with a hole under one arm, Uma felt pity for her: was this the realm of ease and comfort for which Ar una had always pined and that some might say she had attained? Certainly it brought her no pleasure: there was always a crease of discontent between her eyebrows and an agitation that made her eyelids flutter, disturbing Uma who noticed it (109). While Uma, Anamika, Aruna present the female versions of entrapment in Fasting, Feasting, Arun pictures the male version of it. Unlike his sisters, right from his birth, Arun desists eating the food of his family which is symbolic of its values. Much to the dismay of his father, he shows his preference for vegetarian food. Simply because it revolutionised the life-style of his father, Arun can not be forced to eat non-vegetarian food. This, of course, is a cause of disappointment for Papa: Papa was always scornful of those of their relatives who came to visit and insisted on clinging to their cereal-and vegetable-eating ways, shying away from the meat dishes Papa insisted on having cooked for dinner. Now his own son, his  one son, displayed this completely baffling desire to return to the ways of his forefathers, meek and puny men who had got nowhere in life. Papa was deeply vexed (32- 33). Nonetheless, Arun cannot fully come out of the clutches of Papa, especially, in terms of his education. And ironic enough, it is education, which instead of offering the desired autonomy, paves way for Arun’s entrapment. Papa, in order to give â€Å"the best, the most, the highest† (119) education for his son, takes charge of Arun’s life from his childhood. Although Arun’s school examinations are over, Papa cannot allow him to go to his sister’s house in Bombay during holidays, since he has planned that time for taking up entrance examinations and preparation for sending applications to go abroad for ‘higher studies’. However, in the eyes of Aruna, her father’s manic determination to get a foreign scholarship for Arun, is actually on account of his unfulfilled dreams, which he tries to impose on his son. That is why, when the letter of acceptance from Massachusetts finally arrives, it stirs no emotions in Arun: Uma watched Arun too, when he read the fateful letter. She watched and searched for an expression, of relief, of joy, doubt, fear, anything at all. But there was none†¦. There was nothing else—not the hint of a smile, frown, laugh or anything: these had been ground down till they had disappeared. This blank face now stared at the letter and faced another phase of his existence arranged for him by Papa (121). As a reviewer rightly observes, â€Å"With a deft touch, Desai shows us that MamaPapa’s ambitions for Arun are as stifling as their lack of ambition for Uma, †¦.† From America, Arun’s letters come just to indicate his endurance and survival. His messages are diluted, and are devoid of any emotion and substance. â€Å"The most personal note he struck was a poignant, frequently repeated complaint: ‘The food is not very good’† (123). The ties, though invisible, are so overwhelming that even in a country that feasts on individuality, Arun fails to manifest his identity as an individual. Caught in the prison house of his own family’s food habits, he can neither nourish the alien food nor develop a sense of belonging with Patton’s family that  shelters him during his vacation. The smell of the raw meat being charred over the fire by Mr. Patton for steak or hamburger is loathsome for Arun. Conversely, Mr. Patton fails to understa nd why Arun really refuses to eat a good piece of meat. While Mrs. Patton symphathises with Arun, and gives him the vegetarian food items, particularly tomato slices and lettuce on bread, Arun finds them detestable too. Because he thinks that â€Å"in his time in America he has developed a hearty abhorrence for the raw foods everyone here thinks the natural diet of a vegetarian† (167). Hence when Mrs. Patton, quite satisfied with her job of a host, watches him eating with pride and complicity, Arun ate with an expression of woe and a sense of mistreatment. How was he to tell Mrs. Patton that these were not the foods that figured in his culture? That his digestive system did not know how to turn them into nourishment? (184-185). Where Mrs. Patton’s daughter, Melanie, bluntly says she finds the food revolting, and refuses to taste it, Arun has to helplessly eat it. Melanie, however, suffers from bulimia—a disorder in which overeating alternates with self-induced vomiting, fasting, etc. Her bulimia, along with her mother ’s frenzy for buying food items to fill the freezer, signifies the consumerist society that she hails from, where excess becomes the malady. This seen in contrast to Rod, the fitness fanatic, who spends all his time and energy in jogging, baffles Arun who wonders that â€Å"one can’t tell what is more dangerous in this country, the pursuit of health or of sickness†(204-205). He apprehends that like Melanie, who eats, vomits and lies on her vomit most of the time, the people of her country too, go through an inexplicable pain and a real hunger. Yet he cannot reconcile his mind to the unanswerable question: â€Å"But what hunger a person so sated can feel?†(224). Anita Desai, in portraying the stories of entrapment in Fasting, Feasting, presents one version after another; each contributing together to a master version, and each simultaneously subverting the other towards an open and contingent version. Accordingly, in the story of Uma, we find her unattractiveness leading to her eventual entrapment. Yet, if we pass a final verdict on this account, we would be proved erroneous since Desai presents the versions of Aruna and Anamika, Uma’s appealing sister and charming cousin, respectively. Beauty cannot offer them escape from entrapments; in truth, it is rather their good looks that victimise them. Further, if we think again that it is Uma†™s lack of  education that has led to her entrapped situation, Desai presents us the subversion of Anamika, where foreign scholarship fetches her an equal match but fails to provide her the required escape, it suffocates and kills her literally. In like manner, if as Uma thinks, â€Å"A CAREER. Leaving home. Living alone† (130) would bring in the necessary freedom from entrapment, Desai presents us the story of Arun, who leaves home, lives alone for a career but feels the pangs of entrapment despite it. Also, in providing a male version through the story of Arun’s entrapment, Desai negates any feministic verdict based on the other female versions of entrapment that is likely to put the blame on the patriarchal, male-centred society. Thus, Anita Desai, often described as one of the finest writers of this country, has moved from her earlier, typical way of sympathising with her characters, females especially, to a different level of sensibility now. Where it would be easy to presuppose her overt feministic concerns in a novel like Cry, the Peacock, it would be unwise to approach her Fasting, Feasting with any such preconceived notions. Desai herself speaks out in a recent interview that she has been deliberately shifting her focus from female characters to male characters. She rather feels she needs to address and voice out themes which concern males too. She says: â€Å"Specially in my earlier work I found myself addressing the same things over and over again: very much about the life of women, specially those women who are confined to home and family, also the solitude from which a person can suffer even if living within a big family or surrounded by crowds. But after several years and several books I began to feel suffocated myself by the confinement of these subjects. I felt I was limiting the territory to such an extent that it created a kind of suffocation even for me. So I deliberately opened the doors, to widen the canvas, and started writing more about male characters and their lives, because I felt they had a wider experience of the world, and I could address a greater variety of experiences.† Finally, if we consider the male version represented by Arun and the female versions constituted by Uma, Anamika and Aruna as Indian versions, Desai offers American versions to counter them. The story, thus dangling between two countries and cultures shows to prove through the characters of Uma and Arun, and their counterparts Melanie and Rod, that attempts of escape from entrapments can only be temporary, illusory and self-destructively futile since entrapments through familial knots are ubiquitous, all encompassing and universal. And perhaps the salvation comes when one accepts entrapment of one kind or another envisioned as an inescapable fact of life. References 1Anita Desai, Fasting, Feasting (London: Vintage, 1999) 3. All subsequent page references are to this edition. 2Sylvia Brownrigg, â€Å"Fasting, Feasting† by Anita Desai. [9/15/2002]. Magda Costa, â€Å"Interview with Anita Desai, Lateral (March 2001). [9/15/2002].